8 Most Creative People in Business 2011

By siliconindia   |   Tuesday, 18 October 2011, 01:20 IST   |    2 Comments
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2. Alex Kipman/Microsoft:
Alex Kipman/Microsoft
The man who incubated the game console, Kinect. Kinect was previously called the Project Natal, a Brazilian city name as a tribute to the country by Brazilian-born Microsoft Director. The name Natal was also chosen because the word natal means "of or relating to birth", reflecting Microsoft's view of the project as "the birth of the next generation of home entertainment". Since its release in November, Kinect -- which consists of a depth sensor, microphones, and a motion camera tracking 20 points on the body in three-dimensional space--has inspired not only sales (some 10 million units) but also excitement among tinkerers who will soon have a Kinect software-development kit to advance their pet projects in, say, robotics or 3-D mapping. "This is a new era," says Kipman, "and it's going to require a ton of pioneering, a ton of innovation, and a ton of incubation. That's not going to happen all within Microsoft."