7 Disruptive Innovations that Changed World Market

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 14 October 2011, 01:24 IST   |    1 Comments
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2. Web Disruptor:Google Apps
Google Apps
Google Apps is a service from Google providing independently customizable versions of several Google products under a custom domain name. Google Apps challenged the traditional office suites like word processing, calendaring and spread sheets. It provides an integrated web application which will be an online document sharing which is simple and effective. Through the introduction of an effective integrated tool suite, Google is pushing the industry towards cloud based information. It is also providing a sophisticated and simple solution to offices and the business world. Although the implementation is still in the nascent stages, Google Apps hold 8 percent of the market share. Microsoft Office dominates with 80 percent of the share. Google blog post in March 2010 claimed that 25 million people had "switched to Google Apps." Google Apps is a free service for all Gmail users.