6 Thumb Rules of Business Innovation

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 09 February 2012, 00:48 IST   |    4 Comments
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Ideation A constant brainstorming of ideas can surely lead to inspiration. To conceptualize an idea is what ideation is all about. It the process of generating new ideas and finally convert your ideas into innovation. Interaction or brainstorming with wise people is the best way to check for ideas. Your ideas can fetch you criticism or may seem funny to other people, but that should never put a hold on your work. Implementing ideas into reality is never that easy. For example when Steve Jobs came across this idea of introducing a cell phone with just one button, the idea appeared to be impossible. There were lots of questions, like how will a cell phone work without buttons, how can one access Internet through a single button. But these things never bothered Steve and the result is in front of the world. We all now know "iPhone".