6 Investment Rules by World's Top Investors

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 21 October 2011, 01:26 IST
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"It's Far Better to Buy a Wonderful Company at a Fair Price than a Fair Company at a Wonderful Price" - Warren Buffett
warren buffett
Warren Buffett is widely known as the world's wisest investor and the most successful investor in history. He is known as world's third richest man and has also been a financial advisor to many presidents and world leaders across the globe. Many prestigious universities and colleges use the yearly letter that is written by Buffett to his investors in his company Berkshire Hathaway. In the above quote, Buffett gives two advices to investors. When evaluating a company for a buy it is very important to firstly check on the quality of the company and then the price. You need to have strong confidence in the balance sheets and the management of the company. Only after you have the confidence in the quality of the company, the price needs to be evaluated. According to Buffett, if the company is not of good quality then don't buy the company because it has quoted a low price.