50 pct IT Managers Say 'NO' to BYOD Trend

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No Byod

Bangalore: Networking giant Cisco commissioned a global survey of 1, 500 IT managers and executives in six leading economies. The survey shows that nearly half of IT managers would never let employees bring their own devices to work and that enterprises are turning a blind eye to the phenomenon of BYOD (Bring Your Own Device).

All of us are aware that tablets are blowing up in the enterprise world, but they are also set to be enterprise security headache and face some major hurdles ahead, if the latest research by Cisco is anything to go by.

Nearly 48 percent of the respondents who were surveyed said that their company would never authorize their employees to bring their own device, whereas 57 percent accepted that some employees still get their own devices without permission. Interestingly U.S scored the highest with 64 percent of employees using personal devices without consent whereas Germany is the lowest with 49 percent. Access to company servers was highlighted as a “huge problem” of the “bring your own device” to work phenomena as was lost/stolen devices (64% globally). Nearly 75 percent of US IT managers said new rules must be established around security and device usage. Around 48 percent of all IT managers surveyed agree that access to company applications should be restricted for all employees.

The survey found that smartphone requests in the IT department still outnumber tablets; however the demand for tablets is increasing as businesses are getting one tablet request for every three Smartphone requests which is Highest in the U.S. and France.

The study, which was conducted by Redshift Research, also said that 44 percent of IT managers gave an opinion that handling these BYOD-related issues has been diverting attention from other enterprise technology projects.