5 Things Job Hunters Should Know

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 20 October 2011, 23:58 IST   |    6 Comments
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2.Readiness Always be prepared to discuss how your qualifications can specifically contribute to the success of the company. You can put yourself in that role and explain how you would perform your work and ways to improve it. This is very important as the employers believe the ideas you bring to the table and the questions you ask carry the most significance. A prepared attitude also highlights the candidate's interest towards the job.
3.Educational background The most essential thing is your educational background. Recruiters tend emphasis most on the institution you attended, major, minor and degree earned. It is always advisable to include courses taken and completed projects relevant to the job in your resume. With average grade point, a good rule of thumb is to exclude it unless it is 3.0 or higher and express if it's your overall or major GPA (grade point average). A good educational background also creates good impression in front of the recruiters who are in look for candidates with elite educational background.