5 Reasons Why Opt for Franchise than an Independent Business

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, 23 February 2012, 02:52 IST   |    1 Comments
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2. "You don't have to be an experienced businessman": This is like the icing on the cake when it comes to franchising. Franchising requires no special qualifications like MBAs, high five degrees or an experience certificate which states that you are an exceptional business person. All you need is the knowledge about the product that you will franchise, which section of people will it appeal and where to set up the store. With little or no investment at all you can set up a store and run your daily operations like any other experienced business person. If you have observed, any franchised outlet behaves like a fully flourished business model and gives you the feel that the product is a successful venture, be it anywhere it exists. SiliconIndia is hosting a Franchise City which focuses on the present competitive franchise Market of India. This event is a free event which will give an opportunity to share and discuss ideas or even take suggestions on which brand to franchise. For more information check out SiliconIndia Franchise City.