5 Must Read Books for Job Seekers

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5. Winning Job Interviews
Five Must Read Books for Job Seekers
Dr. Paul Powers is a known person for corporations worldwide. Being a management psychologist, he helps them to select, motivate, and lead a fully engaged workforce. In his 30 plus year long career, Dr. Powers has coached thousands of people, in hundreds of companies? ranging from CEO's, to entry level employees, to military veterans to find and succeed in jobs they love. His book, Winning Job Interviews, is much more than just tips to tackle an interview. It gives a robust insight on how the whole process works, what the interviewers will be looking for, and how the process actually favors the job seeker. The book teaches you what needs to be done to increase your chance to get the interview call, and how you can nail the interview with ease. The book is not about theory but filled with practical information that can be of great help for the job seeker. This makes it a must addition to the list of books that you need to read before going for your next interview.