5 Most Igniting Quotes About Being A Woman In Tech From New Yahoo CEO

#5 Neutralize Gender

"People ask me all the time, 'What is it like to be a woman at Google?' I am not a woman at Google; I am a geek at Google. And being a geek is just great," the “ex-Googirl” affirmed in an interview she gave for CNN's Leading Women series in 2012.

#4 Not Enough Women in Tech

Mayer was very much concerned about the lack of talented women in technology as she was talking to a CES2012 panel hosted by CNET. "Right now is a great time to be a woman in tech, but there's not enough women in tech … [I] worry a lot of times, [when] the conversation gets really focused on what percentage of the pie is women. And the truth is, the pie isn't big enough. We're not producing enough computer scientists. We're not producing enough product designers. We need a lot more people to keep up with all of these gadgets, all of this technology, all these possibilities."

Mayer had complaints too as she commented on the stereotypical culture within the tech world: "There are all kinds of different women who do this. You can wear ruffles, you can be a jock, and you [can] still be a great computer scientist or a great technologist, or a great product designer."