5 Men Who Will Decide Apple's Future

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 10 October 2011, 21:45 IST
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2. Jonathan Ive
Jonathan Ive
Jonathan Ive is the design man, the Senior Vice President of Industrial Design at Apple. He is the man who has been responsible for the sleek and sexy look of the Apple products. He is the leading designer behind the iMac, titanium and aluminum PowerBook G4, G4 Cube, MacBook, unibody MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. He has been able to conceptualize Steve ideas into reality through his creativity. He has over 300 design patents to his name and many more waiting to join the bandwagon. In the 2010, Fortune magazine named him as the smartest designer in the technology world. Ive was hired by Steve in 1992, gained his current position at Apple in 1997 as Senior Vice President of Industrial Design after the return of Steve Jobs, and since then has headed the Industrial Design team responsible for most of the company's significant hardware products.