5 Hot Specialties Developers Need to Know

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 06 February 2012, 15:32 IST
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2) Mainframe/Cloud Integration Specialist

Cloud computing is famously called the reincarnation of mainframe and cloud computing platforms are all the rage for Web applications. But some mainframe advocates argue that developing a private cloud would be redundant, as the mainframe provides the flexible, agile and combined with environment promised with cloud computing. The facts rest assured, cloud computing is being adopted at a faster pace by smaller organizations but players in large sectors like retailing, finance, insurance, banking and telecom, mainframe rules the roost.

But now there is a hype to move applications from mainframe to cloud and engineers who speak both COBOL and JAVA with equal ease will be the ones in demand because companies migrating their sensitive –mission -critical transaction -processing applications off their mainframes will look forward for programmers who they can rely on to bridge the two worlds. So Integration is the buzz word here and you can be the winner if you are one among the rare breed of native mainframe programmer learning a lot of virtual cloud.