5 American Companies paying Zero Tax or Less

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General Electric

GE, general electricals, energy,forbes The American multinational conglomerate, which operates in the energy, technology infrastructure, capital finance, and consumer and industrial sector, was ranked as the 6th largest firm in U.S. in 2011 by Fortune Magazine. The other rankings achieved by GE include the company for leaders (7th), best global brand (5th), most admired company (13th), and the most innovative company (19th). The company, which is reported to having paid the largest return filed in the U.S., owed no taxes in 2010, despite earning a profit of $14.2 billion in worldwide profits. The profits for the period 2008 to 2010 came to $10440 million, while the taxes paid in the same period were a negative $4737 million, a fall of 45.3 percent. The company received a tax subsidy of $8.4 billion and was ranked 4th in the companies who received the largest total tax subsidies in 2008 to 2010.