2012 Mobile Security, a Rising Danger

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 24 October 2011, 16:26 IST
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Social Networking
Social Networking
In 2011, social networks, particularly Facebook, suffered from an increase in threats. Through tainted websites and apps, attackers hacked accounts and distributed malware, phishing come-ons, and other scams to Facebook users. The danger spread via wall posts, links, photo tags, comments, and scripting flaws. And considering that Facebook boasts more than 800 million active users, one can expect an increase in threats and scams in 2012. To avoid this don't click suspicious links posted on social networks, even if they seem to have come from a friend; rigged sites and apps can post and send messages without a user's consent. Additionally, be careful not to allow malicious apps on Facebook and check out the apps you have already approved, and remove those that are not worthy.