10 Creepy Mobile Games

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 11 November 2011, 00:46 IST
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Bangalore: The word creepy itself makes people afraid of things. Imagine when it comes on the screen of your mobile as a game that brings a thrilling experience as well as curiosity as to what's next. Games filled with creepy species and adventures are enjoyed more these days which are frequently selected in order to have a rising heart beat experience. Here are 10 creepy games that involve immensely the player into the game for providing creepy gaming experience. Fallen EP-1
Fallen EP-1
Developed by Youoco.com, Fallen EP-1 is a new survival-horror game for the iPhone. Opening with a nerve-wracking sequence in which a group of soldiers are killed by a mysterious dark creature, Fallen EP-1 is every bit as creepy and edgy. It is available at the cost of 200. The game is a survival-horror RPG, in which he must escape the prison, and the puzzles are challenging enough to make the Fallen EP-1 even more challenging, the player gets one health pack for the entire game which has to be used wisely. The graphics are remindable as the atmosphere is creepy with background music peppered with random screams. It's a great representation of the survival-horror genre. The character in this game is a lone prisoner, armed only with an iron bar, struggling to escape a prison and "find answers" in a series of increasingly difficult puzzles. The game is fast-paced the player constantly trying to escape a room while rabid zombie dogs and giant alien slugs try to kill him.

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