10 Types of Bosses - What type is yours?

By siliconindia   |   Friday, 29 July 2011, 00:33 IST   |    22 Comments
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The Hatchet Man:
Hatchet is a single-handed striking tool with a sharp blade used to cut and split wood. The hatchet is often referred to bosses who have the policy of 'hire and fire' like he was hired to downsize the company itself. Bosses with such personality always keep you guessing as to who will fire next and at times we are so involved in his actions that there is a fear created in office and the environment of the office is very disturbing. It is very difficult to deal with these kinds of bosses as their motive behind the hire and fire is very unclear and sometimes silly as well. It is very suitable that you just stay away from his crosshairs.