10 Things Bad Managers Say

By siliconindia   |   Monday, 19 December 2011, 17:13 IST   |    13 Comments
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'I need only solutions not problems':

In an office, we see managers who just want everything to be completely perfect. They don?t like anything to go wrong at any situation. If at all any problem arises in the company they are least interested in giving solutions to those problems. Instead of suggesting their opinions they dump all the problems on the employees who work under them and ask them to find solutions immediately. They just end up in saying not to get any problems to his reference as he just wants them to find solutions for it. And sometimes they are not even interested in the problems that are faced by the company.

'You're lucky to have this job':

This is a really bad habit that most of the managers have. They start telling their employees those things which hurt them the most. Even they tell those things from their point of view on how they think about a particular employee, they just refer it to everyone thinks in the same way as he does. The problem here is, the managers don't want to be blamed alone if his opinion turns wrong in the end.