10 Technologies That Will Shape the Future of Enterprise IT

9. Client-Side Hypervisors:

Desktop Virtualization failed for two reasons: It entailed constant connection between the client and server, as well as a huge server to run the desktop Virtual Machines. Client hypervisors provide a solution to both these problems. By installing Client Hypervisor on an ordinary machine you can power the processing capabilities of the client. Laptop users can take a business Virtual Machine that contains the OS, apps, and personal configuration settings. This VM is safe and separate from everything else that may be running on that machine including accidentally downloaded malware and you get all the virtualization management advantages, such as VM snapshots, portability, and easy recovery. Client hypervisors represent a future where we can bring our own computers to work and download or sync our business Virtual Machines to start the day. As of July 2012, the Client hypervisors are still under development and once released will revolutionize the way we work.