10 Most Expensive Auction Items


Codex Leicester ‘Codex Hammer’

Although Leonardo Da Vinci is renowned primarily as a painter, he was also a sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist, and a writer! Among all his scientific journals, the Codex Leicester is perhaps the most famous. The book is a collection of scientific theories and writings by Da Vinci. This manuscript holds within it, profound insights into topics ranging from astronomy, the properties of water, rocks and fossils; air and celestial light. Christie’s auctioned this manuscript for a whopping 30.8 million USD, making it the most expensive book in the world. It was bought by Microsoft co-founder, Bill Gates and is the only major scientific work of Da Vinci’s in private hands.  The book is showcased once a year across different cities in the world.