10 High Earning Income Countries

Whereas the increase in per capita income at constant prices of 2004-2005 is by 6.4 percent to 35,993 in 2010-2011, which was 33,843 in the previous year. This growth in per capita income comes on the back of 8.4 percent expansion of the Indian economy during the last fiscal.

In 2010-2011, the economy size of the economy at current prices rose to 71,57,412 crore, which is up by 17.5 percent from 60,91,485 crore in 2009-2010. By the end of March 2011, the Indian economy expanded by 8.4 percent, based on the 2004-2005 prices. The GDP in 2010-2011 is estimated to be 48,85,954 which was 45,07,637 crore in 2009-2010, as per the Quick Estimates of National Income, Consumption Expenditure, Saving and Capital Information.

As per the Quick Estimates’ report, “private final consumption expenditure (PFCE) in the domestic market at current prices was estimated at Rs 43,59,792 crore in 2010-11, as against Rs 37,22,036 crore in 2009-10”. At constant (2004-2005) prices, the PFCE stood at 30,87,047 crore in 2010-11, as against 28,52,301 crore in the previous fiscal.