10 Countries with Worst Quality Of Life

9. Greece:

Greece takes the 9th position the list of 10 countries with worst quality of life.  Greece scored 3.1 out of 10 for the income, 1.5 for life satisfaction and 7.9 out of 10 for work life balance.

 An average person in Poland earns $22 134 a year which is slightly lesser than the OECD average earning of $22 387 a year. The gap between richest and poorest is big since the richest earns five times more than the poorest.

60 percent of people in Greece aged 15 to 64 are employed which is lesser than OECD employment average. When 71 percent of men are employed and only 48 percent from women are working for paid salary. People of Greece work 2109 hours in a year against the standard working hour of 1749 in a year.

Water quality in this state is also below average since only 61 percent people are satisfied with it. The participation of people in the election of state is also below the average participation. Only 67 percent of people have positive experience in an average day in this state.