007 Legacy Cars

By siliconindia   |   Saturday, 21 January 2012, 01:14 IST
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BMW Z8 The BMW Z8 starred Pierce Brosnan in the 1999 007 movie "The world is not enough". The car had a small role in the movie, and it's list of gadgets included remote control driving capabilities and hidden rocket launchers in the car's side vents. The Z8 met its demise at the blades of one of the King Buzzsaw Helicopers. Introduced at MI6 headquarters, it drove through the Azerbaijani oil fields, and witnessed struggling action on the docks outside of Valentin's caviar factory beside the Caspian Sea outside of Baku. Sawed into halves, Bond remarks, "Q's not going to like this!". The Z8 was equipped with two retractable, side-mounted Surface-to-Air Missile Launchers hidden behind the forward side fender cooling vents, remote control capability, and, amazingly, six beverage cup holders". The car was also used in 2002 movie, "Die Another Day".