Tips to Create Illusion of Space in Your Small House - Page 2

Tips to Create Illusion of Space in Your Small House

By siliconindia   |   Thursday, July 5, 2012   |    2 Comments

2) Placement of furniture:

Placement of furniture is an essential part of home décor. The right kind of furniture in rooms can help create illusion of space whereas using the wrong furniture can make your house look messy and packed. When living in a small house, avoid using bulky furniture. Use furniture that can serve more than one purpose at a time. For instance, if you want to keep sofa for your living room, it is better to buy a sofa which has a bed as an extension option. Like this, you can use the furniture whenever you needed and can fold it when not required. Ensure that you keep bulky furniture if any, against the longest wall. This will create a feeling of more space in your small house.