
Ankush Shinde

Ankush Shinde
Sr. Business Analyst
MHM Healthcare
IT-Software/Software Services

Ankush Shinde ’s Blogs

By this time, most of us are now reflecting on last one year. How it is passed, what we have achieved or failed to ac...more >>
A great Zen master was once asked, "What did you do before getting enlightened?"The master replied, "I was chopping w...more >>

About Ankush Shinde

Dr. Ankush Shinde, has over ten years of experience in healthcare. His clinical background combined with his management and healthcare IT experience have made him acutely aware of what it takes to succeed in complex healthcare business environment.

Ankush Shinde ’s experience

Sr. Business Analyst   at   Syntel , Pune, INDIA
October 2003 – Currently Working
Industry: IT-Software/Software Services
Functional area: IT Software- Systems / EDP / MIS
HIS designing, development and implementation

Ankush Shinde ’s education

MHM [Healthcare],
AIHA [1999/February] , Hyderabad

Ankush Shinde ’s additional information

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