Deepening Indo-U.S. Ties Will Shape Global Balance Of Power: U.S. Official

Saturday, 04 April 2015, 00:27 IST
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NEW YORK: The deepening India-U.S. ties are among the most significant strategic developments of the past several years and will shape the global balance of power in the years to come, a senior Obama Administration official has said.

"In South Asia, we're strengthening our security, economic, and people-to-people ties with India. In my view, India's revival and deepening US-India ties are among the most significant strategic developments of the past several years," U.S. Assistant Secretary as well as Bureau of Political-Military Affairs Puneet Talwar said.

"They will shape the global balance of power for many years to come," the Indian-American diplomat said while addressing a session in San Francisco on U.S. foreign policy priorities in 2015.

He said that as the oldest and largest democracies, the U.S. and India are seeing a natural convergence not only of values, but of "our vision for the future".

Talwar cited President Barack Obama's historic visit to India this year as Chief Guest on the Republic Day in January and said that while India is one of the world's oldest civilisations, it has the world's most young people, with a median age of 27 and 600 million people under the age of 25.

On China, Talwar said Washington seeks a relationship with Beijing defined by "practical and tangible cooperation" on challenges that both the nations face and that strengthening U.S. relationship with China is part and parcel of the rebalance of global cooperation.
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Source: PTI