Ola's FutureFactory in Tamil Nadu set to run entirely by Female Workforce

Ola's FutureFactory in Tamil Nadu set to run entirely by Female Workforce
According to Bhavish Aggarwal, the 38-year-old founder of Ola Electric, the company will continue to hire more women because they are "more disciplined and dexterous" than men. He emphasized that married women are not discriminated against in the company's policies. 
These remarks follow an insightful report by Reuters, which uncovered that Foxconn has been efficiently barring hitched ladies from jobs at its fundamental iPhone plant close to Chennai in Tamil Nadu, referring to more noteworthy family obligations contrasted with unmarried partners. 
“The reason we set up an all-women factory is that we want to set an example for the industry- that in India women can participate in the workforce (equally). We have an all-women factory, probably the only such factory in the automotive industry,” at a press conference over the weekend,  Bhavish Aggarwal said, referring to Ola's FutureFactory in Krishnagiri, Tamil Nadu, which has no men working on the shop floor. 
Women are more disciplined and dexterous. We will continue to hire women workforce within our facilities. We do not have any policy like that of Foxconn to not hire married women. Now that the gigafactory is coming up, it will also be an all-women factory. We have had a great experience with the all-women team and that policy will continue”, Bhavish added. 
During the establishment of the FutureFactory in 2021, Ola had announced that it would employ only women. Ola anticipated that the factory would employ over 10,000 female workers at its maximum capacity.