26 Successful People Who Failed First But Won Eventually

#6.Charlie Chaplin:

   Who is he: World-renowned comedian.

          Charlie Chaplin, the man who has made numerous people laugh their guts out with his silent acts was rejected by executives who found his acts to be too obscure for people to understand. He later rose to stardom to become America’s first authentic movie star.

#7.Marilyn Monroe:

  Who is she: Most iconic Hollywood actress.

          Marilyn’s first contract with Columbia Pictures was thrashed because they felt that she was not pretty or talented enough to act in the movies. After several such refusals and derogatory comments, she is now known as the most iconic actress of her times who refined the term ‘sexy’.

#8.Soichiro Honda:

      Who is he: Founder of Honda Motors.

          Honda was fired from Toyota where he was working as an engineer. He was left depressed and unemployed until he started making motorcycles. Later, he made a business out of it and became a billionaire founding the multi-billion dollar company Honda Motors.