CII, Nasscom Partner to Digitally Skill 1 Lakh Non-IT Professionals in 2 Years

CII, Nasscom Partner to Digitally Skill 1 Lakh Non-IT Professionals in 2 Years
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Nasscom announced a strategic collaboration aimed at digitally upskilling and reskilling 1 lakh non-IT professionals across various sectors over the next two years.
Seven key sectors have been identified for initial focus, including banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI), manufacturing, logistics, healthcare, green jobs, hospitality, and life sciences, according to a joint statement by the industry chambers.
Chandrajit Banerjee, Director General of CII, emphasized the significance of the partnership in equipping non-IT professionals with essential digital skills. "Our partnership will empower professionals to thrive in the digital era", he stated. Leveraging CII's extensive network of over 10,000 direct corporate members and 3 lakh enterprises through affiliated sectoral associations, the initiative aims to facilitate widespread digital reskilling and upskilling.
The collaboration will offer micro-learning content on emerging technologies, catering to both foundational knowledge and in-depth competency development. The programs, available in both free and paid formats, will cover a spectrum of emerging technology areas crucial for future job roles.
Debjani Ghosh, President of Nasscom, underscored the importance of preparing India's workforce with future-ready digital skills to maintain global competitiveness. "For India to sustain its competitive edge, it is imperative to ensure our workforce is adept in digital skills for the digital age", she affirmed.
The initiative also seeks to foster a digital learning culture by disseminating cross-sectoral digital content widely. It aims to update working professionals in non-IT sectors on emerging trends and challenges in the evolving digital landscape, thereby enhancing organizational relevance and productivity.
Recently, CII inaugurated its 12th Centre of Excellence dedicated to skills, with plans to impact 10 million youth over the next five years through expanded skill development initiatives.
The partnership between CII and Nasscom represents a concerted effort to bridge the digital skills gap across industries, aligning India's workforce with the demands of a rapidly advancing digital economy.