6 Tech Companies with Amazing Cafetarias


Another world class chain of cafeterias in the Mountain View area, an estimated number of 30 cafés on the Google Campus have acquired the reputation for serving some of the best culinary delights in the area. The lavish lunches served at the cafés are both nutritious and savory, with additional fare to choose from the salad bar and an elaborate dessert-menu. Although the employees enjoy free meals at these cafés, outsiders can savour the delights if they manage to get invited by a Google employee.


Caffe Macs, the onsite cafeteria located in Apple’s Infinite Loop Headquarters in Cuppertino, California, has an amazing range of dishes that will put any high –end cafeteria to shame.  The Café also boasts of an extensive Juice bar that offers a variety of freshly-squeezed juices that range from wheatgrass shots to the usual orange juice. For health-conscious and vegan employees, the Café stocks up on organic fruits and vegetables, and an assortment of vegan dishes.

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