PM Modi to Inaugurate New Nalanda University Campus in Bihar

PM Modi to Inaugurate New Nalanda University Campus in Bihar
Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the new campus of Nalanda University in Rajgir, Bihar, today. The event marks a significant milestone in the revival of this historic seat of learning, with modern facilities poised to cater to a new generation of scholars.
According to a release from the Prime Minister's Office, PM Modi will visit the ancient ruins of Nalanda, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2016, at approximately 9:45 a.m. The official inauguration of the new campus is scheduled for 10:30 a.m., where the Prime Minister will also address a gathering of dignitaries.
The inauguration will be attended by prominent figures, including heads of missions from 17 countries, highlighting the international significance of the university. The new campus features two academic blocks with 40 classrooms accommodating up to 1,900 students. It includes two auditoriums, each with a 300-seat capacity, a student hostel for around 550 students, an international center, a faculty club, a sports complex, and an amphitheater capable of hosting 2,000 individuals.
Nalanda University’s campus is designed as a ‘Net Zero’ Green Campus. It is equipped with solar energy systems, domestic and drinking water treatment plants, a water recycling plant, and extensive water bodies covering 100 acres. These facilities ensure the campus is self-sustaining and environmentally friendly.
Conceived as a collaborative initiative between India and East Asia Summit (EAS) countries, the new Nalanda University aims to revive the legacy of the ancient Nalanda University. Established around 1,600 years ago, the original Nalanda was one of the world's first residential universities and a major center of learning in ancient times.
The new campus represents a blend of historical reverence and modern innovation, set to continue the legacy of Nalanda as a beacon of knowledge and cultural exchange.