Mobile SMS sending Jobs

Mobile SMS sending Jobs

Take this opportunity to earn some good money online. The Covid 19 Pandemic has ravaged the country and it is difficult to get out of home and go back to the office.  Eventually things will be normalised but till then why sit idle?  If there is an opportunity to make money, then why not utilize it?  Through SMS sending jobs, there is a good amount of opportunity to make money. All that is needed is a mobile phone and internet connection.  It is very simple job as the very name specifies. All you have to do in Mobile SMS sending Jobs is to forward the details to different mobile numbers.  The details will be about some jobs openings. It can also be about special product offers and discounts. The numbers will also be given. The rates will be Rs 6 for each SMS that is sent. In a day if you send 100 SMS, then total earnings will be Rs 600. Accordingly, in a week it will Rs 4200 and in a month and Rs 16,800. Now that is a good amount of money by just sending SMS! Also remember the last but not the least important thing. There is no need to pay any deposit.

Genuine SMS sending Jobs –

The internet is full of jobs that seems every easy to do and has a good earning potential. On the face of it looks very tempting. But it is request to all of you to be very careful when going ahead with such jobs. Many of them charge very high deposit fees and it is non-refundable also. This is because, due to one reason or the other, they reject all submitted jobs. Here you will find the difference in us. We are one of the few companies that is only interested to ensure that you make some good money and that job opportunities get floated among people. This is a great chance for students and all other youngsters to come and take up such job. No need to step out of house at all. All that is required is mobile smartphone. There will not be any deposit advance also. Not even a single rupee.

It is simple SMS sending jobs. The difference is that it in Genuine SMS sending Jobs, all the way it is genuine, as the very name says. The rates are as follows Rs 6 for each SMS that is sent. In a day a total of 100 SMS can be sent. Total earnings therefore will be Rs 600 in a day. Going by the same rate, the total earning in a month can be Rs 16800 if all the 30 days’ job is done. The amount will be credited into the bank account online or through UPI mobile payment apps.

Earn with SMS Job –

For the students, youngsters who are just stepping into their working life, part time students who are doing jobs along with their studies- all of you, attn. please.  Here is a great chance to earn money online. that too, sitting at home. The only things required is a good smartphone. Remember good does not mean costly. In this job, all that needs to be done is to send content to different SMS numbers. There is no need for the students to search for these numbers. It will be given. Just SMS the content to the different numbers.  So, that is really cool! Isn’t it? Earn with SMS Job without having to step out of house. There are many advantages in taking up this job with us. These include –

No need to pay up any deposit fees. It is totally zero. Just go out and check in the market, how many such companies are there? Hardly few!

This is a part time job. No need to spend whole day into it. Just a few hours and then carry on with your studies, prepare for your exams. Your other existing part time job also not affected.

Payment will be done at the end of the month. It will be credited into your bank account. In fact, it can be done at the end of two weeks also.  This can be mutually discussed

Job rates – It will be Rs 6 for every SMS that is sent. In a day 100 SMS can be sent. So, the total payment will be Rs 600 per day. The payment will be Rs 4200 for the week and it will be Rs 16800 for the entire month.

Home Job –

The year 2020 is turned out to be not so good. The Corona Pandemic has badly affected the job market. It goes without saying that things will improve but why wait till then. Particularly if there is an opportunity to make money. Yes, out of every tough situation, there comes an opportunity. There are now many home jobs that can be done which give chance to make a good amount of money. These jobs are of the following types –

Sit and home and sent SMS to different numbers. The matter to be sent in the SMS will be given to you. The job is to just sent these SMS to the given numbers. Just for information, this content is about job opening in different types of companies. All that is required is a mobile smartphone. This job can be done sitting anywhere. It can be inside home, at the park, at a restaurant while having tea or even at a friend’s house.  It will not take whole day and just a few hours of time.

The second type of home jobs is to send emails sitting at home. It is very similar to the earlier one. The content is same and instead of SMS, it will be email. These email ids’ will be provided to you and the job is to send the content to the given email id’s. The requirement in this case is laptop or desktop and a good internet connection.

In both the cases, it is necessary to be over 18 years of age. Both are part time jobs and can be done according to timing convenience. The given number of SMS or emails should be completed in that day. That’s all.

The payment for both the jobs rates will be Rs 6 per SMS or email. In a day, you can send up to 100 SMS or emails. The total earnings will be Rs 600 per day. If the same pace is continued i.e. 100 jobs every day, Rs 16,800 will be the home earnings.

Home based work –

It is ideally for students, youngsters and young working professionals into part time jobs. Students have the advantage of flexible timings,

There are so many of them and it seems the internet is flooded with many such works which give a good to even high income options. But one has to be very careful when going ahead on these. With us, you can be trusted that it is only advantages all the way. There is so much that we offer in home based work.

There are data entry jobs and in these all you have to do is to type the given data. This will be information about some product or it will be the content of a web site. It has to be done according to the instructions. These are very simple to do and it is nothing more than simple, typing.  All the content will be given. The font size will also be told. Sometime heading and sub heading and where to start a new para. The instructions differ in each job.

Copy and paste is another type of job. In this job, no typing is required. The content will be given and it has to cut and copied into another page. These are very simple jobs. Much more simple than typing.

One more home based job is SMS sending. It involves sending content that will be given to different numbers. These numbers will also be provided. All that is required is a good mobile phone.

There is also the email sending jobs. This is similar to the earlier one. The job involves sending content to different email id’s. Both the email and the content details will be provided. The requirement is that of a computer and an internet connection.

The rate for all these jobs will be Rs 6 for each job. On a daily basis 100 jobs can be done. On a monthly basis Rs 16,800 can be earned.