Marut Drones partners with NMDC for drone-based mineral exploration in India

Marut Drones partners with NMDC for drone-based mineral exploration in India
Marut Drones, a prominent drone manufacturer in India, has successfully supplied drones to the National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) for spearheading the implementation of "Drone-Based Mineral Exploration" in the country. NMDC has acquired two customized Octacopter drones from Marut Drones. This partnership signifies notable progress in mineral exploration, as it incorporates cutting-edge technology to enhance accuracy and mapping, promoting sustainable mining practices.
Marut has reached a historic milestone by developing India’s first set of customized drones, states the company release. These drones represent a first for the country and introduce modern sensors used for the first time in India, primarily for mineral prospecting. The Mineral Exploration Drone by Marut Drones offers cutting-edge technologies, including advanced sensors like magnetometers, hyperspectral cameras, and lidar, which improve its exploration and mapping capabilities. Its revolutionary coaxial design ensures stability and accurate manoeuvrability, critical for successful mineral exploration.
Prem Kumar Vislawath, CEO of Marut Drones, said it’s an Octaquad Coaxial X8 drone that the company created specifically for NMDC. Every component of this drone, including the motors and propeller systems, was built in India. The organization has been producing tailored drones for various sectors in the country through research and development conducted in cutting-edge infrastructure. He stated that introducing drone-based mineral exploration seeks to transform exploration methods, particularly in the search for vital minerals such as lithium, copper, gold, diamond, rare earth elements, and other essential minerals.
This marks NMDC's inaugural venture into drone-based hyperspectral magnetic exploration, with Marut Drones taking charge of drone manufacturing and calibration. The process involves meticulous mission planning to establish optimal fly spacing and height, ensuring a 30% land overlap during drone flights for comprehensive hyperspectral surveys. Subsequently, NMDC analyzes the acquired data using Hyperspec III and ENVI software. Similarly, in drone-based magnetic surveying, calibrated drones determine flight parameters like spacing and height. The Geometrics Magarrow Magnetometer is employed for collecting magnetic data, with NMDC processing the information through Geometrics and Geosoft Oasis Montage software.
The traditional surveying environment, previously hindered by cumbersome equipment and challenging landscapes, is undergoing a transformation. Drones have revolutionized magnetic surveys, making them five times faster and ten times more economical. This innovative technology allows drones to operate in close proximity to the surface, enhancing data collection with superior resolution and significantly improving the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of surveys.