Market Research Society of India (MRSI) Elects Nitin Kamat as President

Market Research Society of India (MRSI) Elects Nitin Kamat as President
The Market Research Society of India (MRSI) has announced Nitin Kamat as its new President for the tenure of 2024-2027. Kamat, currently Chief Growth & Partnerships Officer at TAM Media Research, succeeds Paru Minocha of Kantar. His election was confirmed during MRSI’s 36th Annual General Meeting in Mumbai.
Kamat, previously serving as Treasurer and a member of MRSI’s ISEC Committee, brings a wealth of industry experience to his new role. His election underscores the confidence in his leadership within the market research community.
Joining Kamat in the new Managing Committee are Puneet Avasthi and Shuvadip Banerjee as Vice-Presidents, Anila Vinayakas as Secretary, and Parijat Chakraborty as Treasurer. This committee represents a broad spectrum of research agencies, research users, and service providers, aiming to uphold and promote high standards in market research practices in India.
Reflecting on her tenure, outgoing President Paru Minocha acknowledged key accomplishments under her leadership, including the launch of the Socio-economic Classification System (ISEC) and the Market Sizing report for FY 2022-23. These initiatives have significantly advanced MRSI’s vision and impact in the industry.
Under Minocha’s leadership, MRSI focused on three strategic pillars: building Profile, building Pride, and expanding Network and Reach. The successful adoption of ISEC by industry stakeholders such as The Indian Society of Advertisers and major research agencies has strengthened MRSI’s position in the market research landscape.
Looking forward, Nitin Kamat outlined his vision for MRSI, emphasizing the need for agility and innovation in response to industry shifts. He aims to enhance global and governmental relations, foster collaboration among members, and promote the professional development of market research professionals.
MRSI plans to announce the Indian Research & Insights Industry 2024 Update in September, highlighting the sector’s growth and prospects. Kamat expressed confidence in achieving these goals alongside the new Managing Committee, promising to uphold MRSI’s commitment to excellence and integrity in market research.