ISRO Plans Robotic Arm for Moon Sample Collection in Chandrayaan-4

ISRO Plans Robotic Arm for Moon Sample Collection in Chandrayaan-4
ISRO, under the leadership of its chief S Somnath, is pursuing an ambitious agenda in space exploration, with plans for multiple missions. The roadmap includes missions like Chandrayaan-4 and the Bharatiya Antariksh Station, as ISRO aims to solidify its position as a significant player in the field of space exploration.
The Chandrayaan-4 mission is slated to retrieve samples from the Moon. According to Indian Express, Somnath emphasized the complexity of this mission, stating that it demands advanced technology surpassing previous missions. The development of technologies like a robotic arm for sample collection, mechanisms for docking in lunar and Earth orbits, and safe re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere will be pivotal, says Somnath.
As part of its efforts to strengthen its space capabilities, India is preparing to launch the inaugural module of the Bharatiya Antariksh Station by 2028. This station is envisioned as a central hub for conducting experiments with the assistance of robotics. Prime Minister Narendra Modi previously called on ISRO to establish a space station by 2035, with the additional goal of sending an Indian astronaut to the Moon by 2040.
Somanath emphasized upcoming milestones, unveiling the SPADEX experiment designed to showcase autonomous docking capabilities. This pivotal advancement in human spaceflight entails the precise alignment and connection of two spacecraft in orbit, a crucial skill for future missions.
ISRO's vision extends beyond individual missions. The agency is actively developing technologies such as inflatable habitat modules for astronauts' prolonged presence in space. Additionally, plans include satellite refueling capabilities and the ISRO Servicer Module for satellite maintenance and replacement.
Significantly, ISRO is actively exploring partnerships with NASA and the European Space Agency. Ongoing discussions aim to create a shared interface between the Indian space station and stations of other nations. This collaborative initiative has the potential to enable ISRO's module to dock with the International Space Station (ISS) and facilitate cooperative ventures in the realm of space exploration.