Google Launches AI Assistant Gemini Mobile App in India in 9 Languages

Google Launches AI Assistant Gemini Mobile App in India in 9 Languages
Google has introduced its AI assistant Gemini’s mobile app in India, extending its support to nine regional languages alongside English. The Gemini app, which can be accessed via typing, speaking, or even by adding images, is now available in Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, and Urdu.
The launch comes amid increasing discussions about artificial intelligence technologies. Sundar Pichai, CEO of Alphabet and Google, announced the expansion on the social media platform X, highlighting the addition of local languages to the Gemini Advanced features. He also revealed the rollout of Gemini in Google Messages, initially available in English.
Amar Subramanya, Vice President of Engineering for Gemini Experiences, detailed the new capabilities of Gemini Advanced, which now includes enhanced data analysis and file upload functionalities. Users in India can now access the Gemini 1.5 Pro model, which offers a 1 million token context window—the largest for any widely available consumer chatbot globally.
For iOS users, access to Gemini will be integrated directly from the Google app in the coming weeks. This move aims to make Gemini more accessible and versatile for users across India, aligning with Google’s strategy to cater to diverse linguistic needs and enhance user interaction with advanced AI technology.
The launch underscores Google's commitment to expanding its AI capabilities and making advanced technology more inclusive by incorporating regional languages and features tailored to local user needs.