Elon Musk: SpaceX to enable Moon and Mars travel for Everyone

Elon Musk: SpaceX to enable Moon and Mars travel for Everyone
SpaceX is poised to revolutionize space travel, potentially making it accessible to the general public for journeys to the Moon and Mars, according to its CEO, Elon Musk. He shared on the social media platform X that over time, SpaceX will enable anyone to venture into space and travel to these celestial destinations. Musk highlighted that SpaceX is on track to handle more than 90 percent of all payloads delivered to low-Earth orbit by the end of this year.
Currently, SpaceX’s Falcon rockets boast nearly 80 percent reusability, a significant achievement in reducing the costs of space travel. The company’s next-generation rocket, Starship, aims to push this reusability to almost 100 percent. Starship is set to play a crucial role in NASA's Artemis 3 mission, with plans to land astronauts on the Moon by 2026. To date, Starship has undergone three test flights, with a fourth imminent.
SpaceX announced that the upcoming fourth test flight of Starship is scheduled for June 5, pending regulatory clearance. This test is significant as it shifts the focus from simply achieving orbit to demonstrating Starship's capability for safe return and reusability. The main goals for this flight include performing a landing burn and a soft splashdown in the Gulf of Mexico with the Super Heavy booster and achieving a controlled re-entry of the Starship itself.
The third test flight of Starship marked considerable progress towards developing reliable and reusable rocket technology. The fourth flight aims to build on this success by enhancing the vehicle's return and reusability capabilities.
In addition to its advancements in space travel, Musk's satellite internet service, Starlink, has reached a milestone with over 3 million customers across 99 countries. The service, known for its affordability, has recently expanded to new markets, including Indonesia and Fiji, further extending its global reach. 
Through these ambitious projects, SpaceX continues to push the boundaries of space exploration and connectivity, aiming to make space travel more accessible and the internet more universally available.
Source: IANS