Diwali and Firecrackers Over the Years!

Beautiful or not, crackers are harmful to the environment and all the living creatures in it! There are a lot of crackers that the government is banned keeping in the sound and air pollution caused by them. Though a lot of us might think that the ban is for the good, it won’t stop us from missing those crackers in our cracker basked this year! Let’s have a look at the crackers we won’t see this time around.

In spite of its high pitch decibel sound, the Siren was a hit among the people. But the government took the right decision and banned it. Siren looked like a smaller version of a flower pot and when it was light it rose to the skies with a shrill and sharp siren that ressembled that of a police van. This caused a lot of inconvenience to the elderly people, children and the animals in the vicinity.