Devanshu Bhatia Joins Adani Group as Lead - Asset Branding

Devanshu Bhatia Joins Adani Group as Lead - Asset Branding
Devanshu Bhatia has recently assumed the role of Lead - Asset Branding at Adani Group, marking a significant transition from his previous position as Vice President of Marketing at Oberoi Hotels & Resorts.
Announcing the move on LinkedIn, Bhatia expressed enthusiasm about embarking on a new phase in his professional journey. He described the opportunity to join Adani Group, specifically Adani Enterprises Limited, as Lead - Asset Branding, as a privilege. He eagerly anticipates learning from his peers and mentors while contributing to all sectors within the conglomerate.
In his new capacity, Bhatia will collaborate closely with Adani Group's various businesses to drive the One Brand vision forward. With a career spanning more than two decades, he brings extensive expertise in digital marketing, brand strategy, fostering growth, and cultivating high-performance cultures across diverse industries.
Prior to joining Adani Group, Bhatia held pivotal roles at prominent organizations such as India Today and Reliance Industries, where he honed his skills in strategic marketing and brand management.
Bhatia's appointment underscores Adani Group's commitment to enhancing its brand presence and strategic marketing initiatives across its diversified portfolio. His leadership is expected to play a crucial role in aligning branding efforts across Adani's extensive range of businesses, reinforcing their market position and driving growth in the competitive landscape.