Cabinet Reshuffle Before Modi Goes To West

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is likely to undertake a reshuffle of his cabinet before leaving for France, Canada and Germany on April 9, BJP sources said.
The exercise "will focus on improving governance and accommodating allies", a Bharatiya Janata Party source said. This would be the second reshuffle for the party.
It will be the second reshuffle for the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance government in the past 10 months. 
The sources said a leader from election-bound Bihar and one each from the Shiv Sena and the Peoples Democratic Party may be inducted in the council of ministers. Some ministers are likely to be promoted.  Ram Madhav, who played a key role in the formation of a BJP-PDP alliance in Jammu and Kashmir, may also get a place in the government.

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Source: IANS