Building The Meme Saga: How The Indian Sarcasm Is Changing Social Media Trends

Building The Meme Saga: How The Indian Sarcasm Is Changing Social Media Trends

Today, memes are ruling all over the Internet. These small doses of wit and humour are not only popular but have become a part of lifestyle. However, the rise of memes has happened within the past five years. Before memes even became a thing, a page started in 2014 was already making moves on social media. The Indian Sarcasm, a page started with humble beginnings in 2014 by two passionate individuals, has now become pioneers of social media. One of its founders, Archit Madaan who has played a big role in making the platform it has evolved into said the social media landscape is evolving faster than ever and thus it is important for pages to keep up with the trends. With a whopping 3.5 million followers on Instagram and an overall 150 million plus audience across various digital platforms, The Indian Sarcasm is one of the biggest players in the foray. Speaking about the digital transformation memes have sparked in the social media space, Madaan said- "Memes have dramatically transformed the social media landscape, becoming a unique form of communication that blends humor, satire, and cultural commentary. Originating from internet forums and early social media platforms, memes have evolved into ubiquitous digital phenomena that shape online interactions and trends and we can proudly say we were one of the first ones to jump on the bandwagon."

This transformation has led to the rise of an industry known as meme marketing.

Brands and influencers harness memes to engage with audiences more authentically and relatability, leveraging their shareability to boost visibility and foster community.

However, The Indian Sarcasm has not been just limited to memes and have rather expanded themselves into other verticles as well. It's recent moves in Influencer Marketing have shook the industry when they got India's biggest 20 influencers on board in a fizzy. Madaan believes that with growth of technology and digitization, the social media will only grow ten folds from here and the future for The Indian Sarcasm looks bright as sun if it continues to grow on the same rate.

This transformation has led to the rise of an industry known as meme marketing.

Brands and influencers harness memes to engage with audiences more authentically and relatability, leveraging their shareability to boost visibility and foster community.

However, The Indian Sarcasm has not been just limited to memes and have rather expanded themselves into other verticles as well. It's recent moves in Influencer Marketing have shook the industry when they got India's biggest 20 influencers on board in a fizzy. Madaan believes that with growth of technology and digitization, the social media will only grow ten folds from here and the future for The Indian Sarcasm looks bright as sun if it continues to grow on the same rate.