Yoga Day Pull a Thousand Strong Crowd at the Iconic Washington Monument grounds

The popularity of yoga has risen significantly in the US and around the world in recent years

Fremont, CA: The International Day of Yoga (IDY) at the iconic Washington Monument grounds organized by the Indian Embassy, in collaboration with yoga organizations and studios across the country, saw the participation of more than a thousand strong crowds.

Ever since the proposition of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the international community to adopt an IDY, many small and large activities are seen across the United States. Under the leadership of Harsh Vardhan Shringla, India’s Ambassador to the U.S., and Shambu Hakki, First Secretary, press, information and culture at the embassy and his team, recently, the initiative has gained much popularity.

PM Modi’s urge to adopt yoga as a cultural drive on at the 69th session of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) meeting in 2014 was accepted by the community 75 days later; following the declaration of June 21 to be celebrated as the yoga day around the world.

The IDY in D.C., which was celebrated on June 16 that coincided with the Father’s Day, saw the participation of more than 1,500 people that transcended all linguistic and cultural barriers. People were seen participating en masse wanting to participate in this ancient Indian tradition with yoga mats and heartfelt enthusiasm.

The celebration attracted the attention of not only the common people, but also officials from White House, State Departments, and government agencies, along with prominent members of diplomatic communities including ambassadors of Myanmar, Nepal, and Mauritius. Members of financial institutions like World Bank, International Monitory Fund (IMF), cultural and academic institutions, media, and Indian American communities were also present on the spot.

Ambassador Shringla said, “Yoga is an invaluable gift of ancient Indian tradition — it represents the unity of mind and body, thought and action, restraint and fulfillment, harmony between man and nature and a holistic approach to health and well-being,” opening up the event. He said that he was proud that the event attracted this many enthusiasts and wished a “Happy Fathers Day” to all the fathers out there.

The event also attracted a similar gathering of people who came to enjoy the cultural festivities related to IDY.

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