6 Things to Know about the Historic Paris Accord

BENGALURU: It is expected that this year’s Climate Summit in Paris is to bring new and positive results. The event became successful as more than 190 countries approved an accord to stop global warming. First time in all these years, all the countries rich and poor, developed and developing nations, together agreed to protect our planet Earth by reducing the actions that produce greenhouse gases, compiles The Economic Times.

We recently have seen major climate disasters caused because of the climate change such as Chennai floods, earthquake in Delhi and so on. This is the scenario all over the world, natural disasters are causing more human loss, property loss and getting dangerous day-by-day. The Paris accord in this time gives us a little hope to protect our environment; it sets a target of limiting warming of the planet to below 2.0 degrees Celsius. Here are the 6 things you need to know about the Paris climate deal.

Long Term Goal

As of now the temperatures have already increased by about 1 degree Celsius since Industrial revolution. The long-term objective of the agreement assures that the governments of all the nations would try their best to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions, making sure that the global warming stays below 2.0 degrees Celsius. By 2050, the agreement suggests that man-made emissions should be reduced to a level that forests and oceans can absorb.

Emissions Targets

For every five years all the countries have to keep a check on their national targets for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to achieve the long-term goal. More than 180 countries have already submitted targets for the first cycle beginning in 2020. Only developed countries are expected to slash their emissions in absolute terms.
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