5 Things Which Influence Bitcoin's Valuation

5 Things Which Influence Bitcoin's Valuation

Bitcoin is the first bitcoin that debuted in 2009. The fun fact is no one knows who the founder of bitcoin is. Facts show that an anonymous entity known as Satoshi Nakamoto is behind it, but if that is a person or organization, that no one knows. It is also odd that bitcoin does not depend on society’s economic state; instead, it gives us its own set of factors. These are the factors on which the value of bitcoin depends on.

Now you might ask why is that? It is natural for you to ask if you are just entering the crypto market. The bitcoins are not minted in the same process as real money. Instead, it had redefined the term currency when it was first launched. Professional bitcoin developers mine Bitcoin. These people are responsible for mining the bitcoins with encrypting it using cryptography. This is done by crunching numbers and solving algorithms.

Now that you know why bitcoin has different factors on which the value of the digital currency depends.

Let us look into some of the reasons that defined the value of bitcoin.

5 Things Which Influence Bitcoin's Valuation

There are quite a few underlying reasons, but today we will explore the most basic ones. These will help you understand when you purchase and sell bitcoins.

  1. Demand and Supply

    All the business industries are bound to this factor, not only bitcoin. When the demand increases, the cost does too and vice-versa. Suppose the bitcoin market has huge demand, just like it happened during COVID-19 and 2017. The prices were very high as many people started purchasing bitcoin, but the supply was limited. Since bitcoin has to be mined by engineers trained to code bitcoins, any individual can not do it.

  2. Mining of bitcoins

    If the bitcoin industry is mining a good number of bitcoins, you will be able to get bitcoins at a lower rate. The bitcoins are mined, looking upon the demand and the market cap. As mining is a complicated process and takes time to produce even one bitcoin, even mining becomes a grand factor for bitcoin’s value. There are some dedicated engineers who, when needed, sit together and code bitcoins; if the time is not right, you can miss the starting gun.

  3. Scarcity

    In the points above, we discussed demand, supply, and mining. But another significant factor is the scarcity of bitcoin. The more the scarcity increases, the more the value increases as well. The bitcoin community has announced that there will only be 21 million bitcoins, and 17 million have already been mined. But you do not have to worry as the last coin is said to be mined in 2140. Additionally, many bitcoins have been lost over the years, with an estimated 1.5 to 3 million bitcoins. Many people forgot to pass it on to their next of kin, or just lost their private keys.

  4. Failing economic conditions

    When people notice that they cannot trust the fiat currencies, say in the time of COVID-19 or when the government is changing. Many countries in this world are corrupt.And the people are who are staying within these countries are suffering from economicdrawbacks. The people to fight these things are trusting cryptocurrencies like bitcoin as their commercialbackup. The people say that they can save bitcoin as an asset or use it for daily purchases. This, as a result, helps them to keep their fiat currencies while utilizing digital.

  5. Media Influence

    The media is a big player in this scenario. You wonder why? People are inclined towards the news, and invest in bitcoin when they see the hype in media regarding bitcoin. The media has a huge role to play, as most people are dependent on media for both buying and selling bitcoins.


I would advise you not to believe in the media hype and believe in what you think is fit. For that, you have to use websites like the wealth matrix for investing in bitcoin. It can be a little overwhelming, but slowly, you will understand what you must do.