10 factors to keep in mind while choosing a digital marketing

10 factors to keep in mind while choosing a digital marketing

Digital marketing is one of the hottest tools today due to increasing internet penetration in almost every sector. Just because of the increasing number of internet users across the world, there are many online job opportunities on different digital platforms.

Many business owners and enterprises keep looking for youth online for marketing and promotions of their products and services.

So, if you’re looking forward to building your career in digital marketing, it’s indeed a great option. But now the question arises how to choose the right digital marketing course as per your interest while preventing yourself from online scammers.

Here, we have compiled a list of 10 important factors to consider when choosing a digital marketing course:

1. Recognize your needs

Before choosing the digital marketing institute, you need to recognize your needs first. It means you have to decide whether you want to join a complete integrated course or are you just interested in learning a specific area of digital marketing.

You may pursue a digital marketing course after completing your 10+2. The best thing about this course is that you may learn it both offline and online depending on your schedule and time you could take out for learning a course in depth. With online courses, you also get the opportunity to learn at your flexible time.

During an integrated course, you will get to learn about every method or medium like SEM, SEO, SMM, Email marketing, Affiliate marketing, Web analytics, etc. But when you are clear about your interest, it’s easier to choose a desired online course to match your talents and skills. For instance, if you’re interested in content writing, you have to focus more on social media. On the other hand, for anyone interested in analysis and research, you may choose an analytics course.

Also, consider whether the course you want to join will help you fulfil your goal. Your goal will help you determine whether you want to enrol for a short-term or a complete integrated course.

2. Learn more about the fine prints of a selected course

Once you have decided which course to join as per your requirements, you also need to do proper research to dig deeper into a specific digital marketing course. This will ensure you make the right decision.

You must also consider these aspects:

  • What approach is followed by the course – practical or theoretical?
  • What sort of assignments is provided to students during the course?
  • Are practical assignments helpful, engaging and effective?

It’s best to enrol in a course that offers both theoretical and practical knowledge. However, digital marketing is more about learning practically and it’s not just restricted to theories and books. Even live projects and training sessions are important to get the experience of handling different real-time situations of digital marketing.

3. Ask for recommendations:

If you’re still confused, ask your family or friends for recommendations about an online marketing course. It’s best if anyone in your family or friend has already taken a digital marketing course. For, they can properly guide you on how the online classes are conducted, what things to expect, how to complete online assignments, etc.

But if no one in your close circle has taken up any digital marketing course, you can continue with your search online by choosing the right digital marketing course after reading online reviews. The more the positive reviews, the higher are the chances of an institute being brilliant in what they offer.

You may even consider joining Facebook groups of entrepreneurs, bloggers or affiliate marketers to get recommendations. But always remember that anyone can make an attractive website and sell products to you. So, it’s essential to do proper research so that you can choose the best course for yourself.

4. Look for testimonials:

When opting for a digital marketing course, it’s obvious that a digital training institute must have done good branding. In this case, you need to look for the testimonials section on their website. You may even check any alumni videos (if available) to know about the experience of previous students. You may even connect with any alumni to know more about their experience with a particular institute. This will help you make the right decision while helping you know how good a specific institute is. Moreover, you’ll get to know about the scope of a course you’ve enrolled in.

5. Evaluate a course in-depth with different characteristics

While one cannot judge a digital marketing institute just with a demo class, institutes still recommend going through it. However, we would say that a demo class cannot show you the quality and depth of a course. So, you need to evaluate a digital marketing course in depth by checking its different characteristics like faculty, course curriculum, etc.

When digital trainers frame a course, they do it with proper planning that’s visible through the structure of the course they offer. The instructor must also have pamphlets, proper strategy and notes for their students to turn them equally proficient and capable of achieving their goals. Meanwhile, you need to focus on practical exercises, assignments and projects offered by the institute.

6. Teaching Pedagogy

Pedagogy is an academic discipline about the study of how skills and knowledge are scheduled or being imparted in an educational program. This also considers the interaction taking place. In pedagogy, both theory and practical knowledge vary greatly while reflecting various political, social and cultural contexts.

So, when choosing a course online, it’s best to check the flow and structure of that course. It should ideally be easy to understand for both beginners as well as someone who’s been already in the digital marketing field. When a course is structured well, one can easily understand various aspects of that particular field without any hassle or confusion. Therefore, checking pedagogy is crucial.

7. Get to know about the trainer

When enrolling in a digital marketing course, you must also get to know about the trainer. You may have heard about Ankur Aggarwal and his hands-on knowledge about different digital marketing courses. But before enrolling in his course, you’d first need to learn more about his style of sharing the knowledge with the online viewers.

Likewise, you need to learn about the reputation, experience and qualifications of your online digital marketing trainer. This is because only a knowledgeable trainer is likely to provide you with in-depth learning and knowledge about a specific course. You may visit the official website to know about the qualification and experience of a trainer.

8. Do proper background research

There are so many institutes offering a similar sounding or same course/certification to aspirants online. But are those all fit for your requirements? The answer is NO!

For finding the best course, it’s important to learn about a few parameters first like the reputation of a specific online course, achievements of the trainer offering that course, etc. By making the right decision when looking for the best digital marketing course, you’d be able to move onto the right career path with rich experience during the tenure of the course. Only after joining the course, you’d be able to set a benchmark in your professional life, as you’d have attained the best knowledge and skills needed to grow in a specific field.

9. Networking

Even networking is important when you’re looking for a digital marketing course. It’s best to be surrounded by people who are already talented and have knowledge of the niche you’re interested in. Those people can be your ongoing support network to resolve your problems while helping you find the right opportunities that you may miss otherwise. Also, consider attending industry conferences and meetups to nurture your relationships with established digital marketers.

10. Check if the course offers certifications

We all know the importance of professional certification in our careers. So, it’s best to join a digital marketing course that offers you a valid certification to help you get better work opportunities in the future.

For certification details, you need to check the following:

  • What certifications does a course offer after completion?
  • How well is the course recognized by the industry?
  • How relevant are the certification to you and how much weightage it might add to your resume?
  • Does your course curriculum have any need of clearing certifications?
  • Who offers these certifications?


A clear understanding of all these factors will help you understand the right course for you, as well as how to choose the best one out of so many courses available online. It is also advised to be careful when investing your time and resources. You need to evaluate the worth of the online course and its ROI in the future. Moreover, consider how effective and helpful a particular course would be in your overall growth and career advancement after its completion. Make sure to join a reputed and professional course to improve your skills and knowledge while growing in a desired digital marketing niche.