10 Global Companies Which Invest Most in R&D

Bangalore: To be the best and to deliver the best a company needs a whole lot of attention, that’s R&D, the pruning and puckering which keeps innovation consistent and keeps it running efficiently. Here’s a list of companies which have given significant amount of attention by investing the most in R&D as per Rediff.com.

Toyota spent $9.9 billion on R&D in 2011 and takes the first place among global companies with maximum investment in Research and Development (R&D). The amount so high that it is estimated to be about $1 million invested every hour in R&D by Toyota, worldwide.  Toyota, a Japanese company, found in 1937 is a multinational automaker. It is the largest automobile manufacturing company by production as of 2010. By revenue it’s the eleventh major company in the world. With over 1.7 million hybrids on the road, Toyota is the leading manufacturer of hybrid vehicles in the world.

Novartis invests $9.7 billion in R&D, taking the second place on the list. Novartis is a Swiss Pharmaceutical company. In global industry this multinational is also placed second for highest sales with $46.806 billion estimated in 2010.  It was found in 1996 by the merger of Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz laboratories. At present, it has a worldwide location by affiliations with major companies in over 140 countries. The company has other division such as Sandoz, Alcon, Consumer health and Vaccines and Diagnostics.

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