Top 8 Foreign Mergers and Acquisitions By Indian Firms

4. Hindalco Acquired Novelis

Hindalco Acquires Novelis

On 11th February 2007, the company entered into an agreement to acquire the Canadian company Novelis for $6 billion, making the combined entity the world's largest rolled-aluminium producer.

In 2007 Novelis was the world's largest producer of rolled aluminium and a major recycler of aluminium cans. On 15th May 2007, the acquisition was completed with Novelis shareholders receiving $44.93 per outstanding share of common stock.

5. Sterlite Acquired Asarco

Sterlite Industries, an Indian manufacturer of optical fibers, telecommunication cables and power transmission conductors consented to an arrangement with respect to the acquisition of copper mining organization Asarco for $ 2.6 billion in 2008. The deal surpassed Tata's $2.3 billion deal of acquiring Land Rover and Jaguar. Eventually, Sterlite became the third biggest copper mining organization on the planet.

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