Apt for Education: Kindle Fire or Aakash?

aakash tablet
Aakash the cheapest Android tablet computer in world especially made for students who can't afford costly PCs and laptops. The tablet features 256 MB RAM and the processor used is ARM11. The Android 2.2 OS is used and has two USB port. The tablet delivers a HD quality video and for applications, the tablet will have access to Getjar. The connectivity in tablet is supported by Wi-Fi and GPRS and the battery life is 2100mAh. The browser for the tablet is developed by data wind. Kindle Fire has better enhanced features and the price is 3 times more than Aakash. Though the device's production cost is said to be of $250 and Amazon is selling the tablet of $199. Still Amazon is said to be making profits as the demand of physical goods is huge and the profit can be churned from there too. The business strategy of Amazon can keep them in peace. But the Aakash will create only losses as the tablet will be sold to the government for $50 and it will be selling the tablet at the subsidized rate of $35. Kindle Fire is said to be a strong competitor for Apple iPad and Aakash is no way a competitor to any. Maximum it can do is blocking the demand of costly tablet only among students. But the unappealing features of Aakash compared to other tablets can lose its demand before it is in market.