Top 10 Media Players for Android and iOS

BENGALURU: A decade ago, watching videos used to be somewhat like this: coming back from school, switching on PC, connect the internet, and go to some sources to surf the videos a friend suggested in school. Now, it’s a complete different world, we browse and watch anything from the smartphone we carry with us everyday, compiles NDTV Gadgets.

There are many third-party apps that are way better for media, adding extra features and hugely improving on the user experience through good design than the default apps. We chose these apps because the interface determines how easy to use and ultimately how useful the app really is.

Here are the best 10 media apps for iOS and Android:


VLC for iOS can play all your movies in most formats directly without conversion. You can synchronize media to your device using Wi-Fi Upload, iTunes, various Cloud services, or direct downloads from the web.

It is a media library, with Wi-Fi Uploads & Downloads, Dropbox, Google Drive, iCloud Drive, OneDrive & integration, and optional passcode lock. Web Interface for easy uploads and downloads to/from device.

Infuse 3

Infuse 3,an iOS exclusive video player, can be used on both iOS and Android. This interface pretty much supports all kinds of files. It automatically pulls metadata from the Internet for movies in the app.

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