5 Future Tech-Cars to Hit the Roads

2. Ford makes Cars Talk over Cloud:

Ford is presently working with major automakers to develop a standard vehicle to vehicle communication (V2V) system which will enable cars to have a chat with each other over a local Wi-Fi network by using Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC) system which allows to shares information like  transmit position, trajectory, and speed data. This technology will alert the car if any other vehicle is arriving at a very high speed or slams break all of a sudden. This system also tells the driver about the road signs, red lights, and other environmental indications.

In 2011, Ford announced a seat that monitors driver's heart activity to protect the driver's health and prevent accidents from sudden heart attacks. Company is also trying to link this system with smartphone that could send a message to nearby hospitals and alert doctors. This shows that the company is putting lots of efforts to make driving safe.

The ‘Ford Evos’, which is a cloud-connected concept car which features lithium-ion, plug-in "powersplit" hybrid powertrain. The car predicts your route, analyses current weather condition, knows about the emission standards on the way and then adjusts powertrain's electric and gas operation balance as needed.  For now this is a concept, but the technology to make this car real is available therefore we can expect this intelligent car to see around soon.
