5 Apps to Decorate Your Home

Bangalore: There is an app or software for everything. With technology our lives have become simpler. All we have to do is download an app and let the app do the work for us. Thinking about decorating your home but scared about the expense. Well you needn’t be worried about it anymore. You can become your homes own expert designer with just a few apps. so sit back and relax!

Here is a set of 5 apps complied for you which would help you decorate your home!

Home Decorator

Platform: iOS

Price: Free

Ever wanted to play with colour on your living room wall but been scared to the hole it would burn in your pocket. Well now that is a fear of the past. This free app which can be downloaded from the Apple Store will allow you to experiment with colours. You can see how the different colours would look on your walls. All you have to do this take a picture of the room with the app and then choose the colour from the list that you would like to see on your wall and the chosen colour will replace the existing wall colour in the photograph. This app excludes colouring the furniture, wall hangings, and other fitting. If by mistake it does colour an area you don’t want you can erase it or if it misses out on a spot you can fill in the colour by just tapping it.

This is indeed a helpful and handy app to have whenever you decide to go in for a house make over.