10 Amusingly Cool Gadgets of 2012

Duracell Instant USB Charger

This futuristic gadget is really useful. Technology has done wonders in almost all fields of gadgets, but it lagged back a lot when it came to batteries. All of your high-end smart-devices suck in terms of power and this little new device can save you when you are in a critical situation and your smart-device is out of juice. Most of your devices come with an USB charge option and this charger is a blessing if you are looking for a simple and cheap option to charge your smartphone, tablet or MP3 player.

LED Shoelaces

This gadget has some funky element in it. If you are one among those who like to get all the attention and wants to expose your geeky nature then these lightning shoelaces serves all your needs. These pretty shoelaces are an interesting idea and can serve as a fashion accessory for all you night outs and parties. It actually deserves to be one of the trendy wearable gadgets.
